Privacy Policy

At Jiffy studio we love while making featured websites and applications available on your smartphones. Jiffy studio respects the privacy policy concerns of all of the users of its apps and websites as well as other services. 

Jiffy studio usually doesn’t target its apps and websites and other related services under the age of 15 years. As we know that your personal information is very important and we assure you that it will be secured and protected at any time and anywhere. We will be pleased to care about your personal data and or personal information 

 Jiffy studio is used to collect and process your personal data to enable the use of our services. The processing of personal data is for the purpose of We actually respect the privacy policy of our users. We would be pleased to provide the best and daily competitive free apps for the ease of yourself. We assure you that whenever you use our apps and websites, we will not store and or collect or use your personal information when you visit or download our apps and websites. 

 We know that your personal information is very important and we assure you that it will be secured and protected at any time and anywhere. We will be pleased to care about your personal data and or personal information. The purpose of this privacy policy is to describe the personally identifiable information and other data that we will not collect from you through the apps and games that we will provide.

 The apps and websites of us believe that your privacy is really important and should always be secured and protected. As we assure you and we have keen care of your personal data forever. So now feel free to use our products whenever you want. Not only this but our apps and or websites will bring you the exact directions of your basic needs and potential purposes.

Personal Information: 

The “Jiffy studio” is providing top trending best applications, feel free to contact with us your suggestion and recommendation more appreciable "" Our head office is located at "22 Kings Synge Road SW18 West Sydney, Australia” 

 Purpose of personal data processing:

 We used to collect and process your personal data to enable the use of your services. The processing of personal data is for the purpose of data security. The process of data is to assist you in the supporting queries system. This is for the stability and operational safety of our system. 

 Non Personal Information: 

They will not identify you and can be used to contact you personally. It would include your “date of birth”,” your gender”,” your age” and “your city” etc.

 Personal Data Processing:

 As a matter, we collect your personal information when you use our products and as well as applying fee-based services. When you place an order through our apps and or websites, you will be required your name, email id, and payment information. Sometimes we may ask your name, email address, and cell number in order to process your queries and to provide support for you. As a principle, we will not disclose your privacy policy without your consent till to the execution of queries and tasks. 

 How do we collect Information? 

When you will register for our apps and or websites or open an account you will have to give personal information, we will need your personal information and non-personal information. So if you will connect your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, or any other 3rd party network we will collect your information, username, date of birth and photograph, etc. So if you choose to make a purchase through our apps or website you will have to give your credit card or debit card information and other billing transactional information. 

Find accounts on the devices: 

 Jiffy studio does not recognize or save your account information for any programs. Jiffy studio only detects whether users have a Google account linked with the device which helps us confirm the state of Google Service and provide users with appropriate application download and update methods.

 Children's Privacy:

 At Jiffy studio We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18 years.

 Update the Privacy Policy:

Jiffy studio may, in its sole discretion, change this Privacy Policy from time to time, any and all changes will be reflected here and the date new versions are posted will be stated at the top of this Privacy Policy, with time it will be updated, so please review it periodically. Contact us: If you have any suggestions, feedback, or requests, email us at


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